Sci-Fi Movies - U

Movie Reviews - Featured Films

Uforia Movie Review

Good ol’ boy Fred Ward meets up with a UFO-obsessed girl named Arlene (Cindy Williams).

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UFOs: Secrets of the Black World Movie Review

Covering the same subject as Norio Hayakawa's Secrets of Dreamland tapes, this video offers even more information on Area 51, the famous site of many UFO sightings and alleged storehouse of “alien” knowledge, craft, E.T.s, and a possible cloning site.

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The Ultimate Warrior Movie Review

Yul Brynner must defend the plants and seeds of a pioneer scientist to help replenish the world's food supply in this thriller set in 2012.

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Ultra Warrior Movie Review

Slash-and-paste job by Roger Corman's company incorporates a dizzying quantity of stock footage from earlier Corman releases (Lords of the Deep, Battle Beyond the Stars, The Unborn, and other gems) sluiced together into basic post-apocalyptic filler about an adventurer in radioactive 2058 who joins with friendly mutants to overthrow a bad guy whose secret weapon is a flame thrower mounted atop a giant Santa Claus.

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Universal Soldier Movie Review

A reporter (Ally Walker) discovers a secret government project to design perfect robo-soldiers by using the bodies of dead Gls, including tough guys Dolph Lundgren and Jean-Claude Van Damme who were killed in Vietnam.

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Unknown World Movie Review

A group of scientists tunnel to the center of the Earth to find a refuge from the dangers of the atomic world.

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Unnatural Movie Review

A mad scientist creates a soulless child from the genes of a murderer and a prostitute.

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Until the End of the World Movie Review

Confusing but fascinating Wim Wenders road movie works best when viewed at least twice, and it's well worth the effort. It's 1999 and Sam Farber (William Hurt) needs to take some snapshots, and quick. His mom is blind, and dying. His dad (Max von Sydow) is one superbrain inventor, and has come up with a camera capable of recording images that can than be p…

1 minute read

Urusei Yatsura Movie 3: Remember My Love Movie Review

A magician family friend of Princess Lum put a curse on her at birth when she wasn't invited to Lum's christening (shades of “Sleeping Beauty") – that Lum would never be happy with her true love.

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