What Price Glory? Movie Review 1952

Information and Film Reviews for What Price Glory? the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Remake of the 1926 silent classic about a pair of comradely rivals for the affections of women in WWI France. Strange to have Ford directing an offbeat comedy, but it works: masterful direction, good acting. Demarest broke both legs in a motorcycle accident during shooting.


Facets Multimedia, Inc., 1517 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60614, Phone: (773)281-9075, Toll-free: 800-331-6197, Fax: (773)929-5437, Email: sales@facets.org, URL: http://www.facets.org

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 111 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Plays to Film: Maxwell Anderson, World War I, Anti-War War Movies, Buddies, France
James Cagney, Dan Dailey, Corinne Calvet, William Demarest, James Gleason, Robert Wagner, Max (Casey Adams) Showalter, Craig Hill, Marisa Pavan
John Ford
Sol C. Siegel, 20th Century-Fox

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