Black Fox: The Price of Peace Movie Review 1994

Information and Film Reviews for Black Fox: The Price of Peace the Movie

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Former plantation owner Alan Johnson (Reeve) and childhood friend Britt (Todd), whom he frees from slavery, try to forge a new life in 1860s Texas. But there's trouble when abusive bigot Ralph Holtz (Wiggins) threatens the peace between settlers and Indians when he goes after his wife delores (Holtz) who left him for a Kiowa warrior, Running Dog (Trujillo). Based on the novel by Matt Braun; made for TV.


Available on VHS
Running time 90 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Westerns, Buddies, Slavery, Native America
Christopher Reeve, Raoul Trujillo, Tony Todd, Chris Wiggins, Cyndy Preston
Frank Tidy
Steven Hilliard Stern
Eric N. Robertson

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