Eve of Destruction Movie Review 1990

Information and Film Reviews for Eve of Destruction the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Hell knows no fury like a cutting-edge android-girl on the warpath. Modeled after her creator, Dr. Eve Simmons, Eve VII has android-babe good looks and a raging nuclear capability. Wouldn't you know, something goes haywire during her trial run, and debutante Eve turns into a PMS nightmare machine, blasting all the good Doctor's previous beaux. That's where military agent Hines comes in, though you wonder why. Dutch actress Soutendijk plays dual Eves in her first American film.


New Line Home Video, 116 N. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048, Phone: (310)854-5811, Fax: (310)854-1824, URL: http://www.newline.com, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 101 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Sci Fi, Robots & Androids, Femme Fatale, Technology--Rampant, Subways, Woofs!
Duncan Gibbins, Yale Udoff
Gregory Hines, Renee Soutendijk, Kurt Fuller, Ross Malinger, Eugene Glazer, John M. Jackson, Loren Haynes, Michael Greene
Alan Hume
Duncan Gibbins
Interscope Comm., Nelson Entertainment

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