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Samson Vs. the Vampire Women Movie Review

Santo (in U.S. versions of the film his name was converted to the more familiar Samson), the masked hero and athlete, once again battles the forces of darkness. This time a horde of slinky female vampires are trying to make an unsuspecting girl their next queen. One of the most fondly regarded of the Santo/Samson series, and a good place to begin exploring the whole crazy Mexican wrestling super hero genre. Santo began his adventures in El Emmascarado de Plata in 1952 and continued his mat-scrambling in such titles as Santo Contro el Cerebro Diabolico, Santo en el Museo de Cera, and Santo Contra la Hija de Frankenstein.

1961 89m/B MX Santo, Lorena Velasquez, Jaime Fernandez, Maria Duval; D: Alfonso Corona Blake; W: Alfonso Corona Blake. VHS, Beta SNC, HHT

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