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Quarantine Movie Review

“Declare war on bacteria!” is one of the slogans during an ill-defined plague epidemic, during which a power-mad senator (Jerry Wasserman, a look alike for Roy Cohn) seizes control of the government and holds HUAC-style hearings to determine which citizens are “healthy” and which get forcibly ejected into the lawless quarantine zones. Overlooked Orwellian sf from Canada, part AIDS metaphor, part satire of McCarthyism. Not all of it works, and some is downright looney, but this takes a fresh approach to oft-bungled material.

1989 (R) 92m/C CA Beatrice Boepple, Garwin Sanford, Jerry Wasserman, Charles Wilkinson; D: Charles Wilkinson; W: Charles Wilkinson. VHS REP

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - Q