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Night of the Bloody Apes Movie Review

When a doctor transplants an ape's heart into his dying son's body (shown in actual surgical footage), the son turns into an ape man and goes berserk. Police race to end the bloody rampage. Gory Mexican-made horror is a color remake of director Rene Cardona's Doctor of Doom (1962, AKA: Wrestling Women Vs. the Aztec Ape), but with a lot of added blood and nudity. AKA: Gomar the Human Gorilla; La Horriplante Bestia Humana.

1968 (R) 84m/C MX Jose Elias Moreno, Carlos Lopez Monctezuma, Armando Silvestre, Norma Lazarendo, Augustin Martinez Solares, Gina Moret, Noelia Noel, Gerard Zepeda; D: Rene Cardona Jr. VHS, Beta MPI

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