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Legend Movie Review

A colorful, unabashedly Tolkienesque fantasy full of unicorns, magic swamps, bumbling dwarves, and rainbows. Tom Cruise, who in the same year would try to save America in Top Gun, here attempts to save an innocent waif from the Prince of Darkness, a Satanic critter with really big horns (Tim Rocky Horror Picture Show Curry). Rather more original and certainly more attractive than the usual ‘80s fantasy-flick, which more often tended to emphasize musclebound heroes in skimpy loincloths. Produced in Great Britain.

1986 (PG) 89m/C GB Tom Cruise, Mia Sara, Tim Curry, David Bennent, Billy Barty, Alice Playten; D: Ridley Scott; M: Jerry Goldsmith. Nominations: Academy Awards ‘86: Best Makeup. VHS, Beta, LV MCA

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