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Invaders from Mars Movie Review

Famous but dated sci-fi fave about a little boy who sees a flying saucer bury itself behind his house. He can't convince grownups, though, and parents and playmates are systematically brainwashed by the green meanies. Though the cheapo budget shows (note the balloons bobbing on the walls of the Martians’ glass cave stronghold), this can be enjoyed both as a basic juvie adventure and on a deeper level, as the camera and production design conveys a child's-eye-view of grownup society – dominant, threatening, and sometimes hostile as any space invader. Originally released in 3-D; remade in 1986 by Tobe Hooper.

1953 78m/C Helena Carter, Arthur Franz, Jimmy Hunt, Leif Erickson, Hillary Brooke, Morris Ankrum; D: William Cameron Menzies; W: Richard Blake; C: John Seitz. VHS, Beta MED, MLB

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - I