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Godzilla (1985) Movie Review

A latter-day sequel released to coincide with the 30th anniversary of the original Godzilla, King of the Monsters. The Great Green One is (once again) awakened from underwater slumber by trolling nuclear submarines belonging to the superpowers near Japan. The giant monster's newly acquired appetite for nuclear energy inadvertently precipitates an international incident. Steve Martin (no, not that Steve Martin – this one is actually Raymond Burr) is called in to help mediate the conflict, being the only living American witness to Godzilla's destructive 1955 outburst. Sadly, the film doesn't quite make it; it's talky and lacks the original's urgency. G-fans will probably still want to see it, though.

1985 (PG) 91m/C JP Keiju Kobayashi, Ken Tanaka, Raymond Burr, Yasuka Sawaguchi, Shin Takumaa; D: Kohji Hashimoto, Robert J. Kizer. VHS, Beta, LV NWV, VTR

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - G