Futureworld Movie Review
In this competent sequel to Michael Crichton's Westworld, two reporters (Peter Fonda and Blythe Danner), one cynical, one enthusiastic, cover the grand reopening of the Delos theme park, closed since the disaster chronicled in the first film. The super-expensive park offers visitors experiences in different worlds, populated by robots who meet guests’ every need. The exclusive park draws guests from the highest echelon of society. Once again, however, Delos is the center of trouble as its head scientist and chief executive are up to no good. Convincing performances from Danner and Fonda and an intriguing premise help overcome the predictability of the story. Yul Brynner makes a cameo appearance as his memorable Gunslinger character from Westworld. Includes footage shot at NASA locations.
1976 (PG) 107m/C Peter Fonda, Blythe Danner, Arthur Hill, Yul Brynner, Stuart Margolin, John P. Ryan; D: Richard T. Heffron; W: Mayo Simon, George Schenck; C: Howard Schwartz, Gene Polito. VHS, Beta, LV WAR, OM