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Flesh Gordon 2: Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders Movie Review

The evil and perverted Emperor Wang (William Dennis Hunt) once again threatens the Universe – this time with his powerful Impotence Ray – in this long-awaited sequel to the (in)famous sf parody. Flesh (Vince Murdocco), along with Dale (Robyn Kelly) and Dr. Flexi Jerkoff (Tony Travis), do battle with a belt of farting “assteroids” and other weirdos, including a race of adult babies. Director Howard Ziehm delivers this one on a shoestring of under $1 million, and from a technical standpoint, at least, tops the original. The sex scenes however, are considerably more watered down, apparently in an attempt to gain a wider audience. That's all well and good, but it tends to make the film as a whole seem a little pointless. The humor tends to be scatological rather than sexual; the parade of bathroom references are amusing at first, but they get old real fast. Fans of the original will be sorely disappointed.

1990 98m/C CA Vince Murdocco, Tony Travis, William Dennis Hunt, Robyn Kelly; D: Howard Ziehm. VHS NHO

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - F