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Cyborg 2 Movie Review

In the year 2074, a devious company that manufactures cyborgs plans to off the competition by sending them an advanced female creation (Angelina Jolie, daughter of actor Jon Voigt) filled with explosives. But a human technician is infatuated with the deadly doll, and the pair turns fugitive with help from mysterious freedom-fighter Jack Palance. There's no real link with the original Cyborg, and fine actors bring some juice to a B-movie pursuit-around-the-ruins plot.

1993 (R) 99m/C Angelina Jolie, Elias Koteas, Jack Palance, Billy Drago, Allen (Goorwitz) Garfield; D: Michael Schroeder; W: Michael Schroeder, Ron Yanover, Mark Geldman; C: Jamie Thompson; M: Peter Allen. VHS, LV VMK

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - C