Cyborg Movie Review
Plague reduces Earth to a deathly, dirty, urban ruin patrolled by pumped-up punks. A lady cyborg transporting the disease cure must be protected by wandering avenger Van Damme, in a non-plot full of caricatured creeps howling like animals and breaking each others’ bones. If it all seems made up on the spot, it largely was; this was planned as a sequel to the He-Man movie Masters of the Universe but mutated into a kickboxer apocalypse instead.
1989 (R) 85m/C Jean-Claude Van Damme, Deborah Richter, Vincent Klyn, Dayle Haddon, Alex Daniels, Rolf Muller; D: Albert Pyun; W: Kitty Chalmers; C: Philip Alan Waters; M: Kevin Bassinson. VHS, Beta, LV MGM