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The Creature Walks Among Us Movie Review

The sequel to Revenge of the Creature has the much put-upon Gill-Man captured once more by scientists bent on “studying” him. During an accidental lab fire, the creature's gills are burned off and the science-boys undertake to save his life with surgery designed to turn him into an air-breather. Sadly, the (ex)Gill-Man remains a fish out of water, lurching around in dingy clothes and once again lusting after one of those faithless human floozies (Leigh Snowden). This final entry in the Creature from the Black Lagoon series has little of the original film's magic, but it's a weirdly compelling film in its own right. The altered monster is even more sympathetic here – his being forced to wear human clothes is an especially effective touch. Ricou Browning was back to perform the monster's underwater scenes; Don Megowan played the new and not necessarily improved creature. Like the other films, this flick was shot in 3-D. It's available on laserdisc as part of a special “Encore Edition Double Feature” with Revenge of the Creature.

1956 79m/B Jeff Morrow, Rex Reason, Leigh Snowden, Gregg Palmer, Ricou Browning, Don Megowan; D: John Sherwood; W: Arthur Ross; C: Maury Gertsman; M: Joseph Gershenson. VHS, LV MCA, FCT

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