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Biggles Movie Review

Generations of English boys thrilled to W.E. Johns’ tales of WWI flying ace Bigglesworth, his brave pal Algy, and their Snoopy-style dog-fights with the Hun. But when this movie version finally emerged the major influence was Back to the Future, as a modern guy – of all things, a bloody Yank – abruptly materializes back in 1917 Europe and helps his “time twin” Biggles in a confrontation with an advanced German superweapon (which, surprisingly, isn't the cause of the time warp after all). Biggles purists will be outraged, but there are some spirited anachronisms and a proper tongue-in-cheek attitude. Beware the ‘80s disco music though. AKA: Biggles: Adventures in Time.

1986 (PG) 100m/C GB Neil Dickson, Alex Hyde-White, Peter Cushing, Fiona Hutchinson, Marcus Gilbert; D: John Hough. VHS, Beta, LV VTR, NWV

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - B