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The Aurora Encounter Movie Review

Small spaceman lands his flying jalopy in Texas around 1900, befriending Earth kids but panicking authorities (one villain portrayed by the original George “Spanky” McFarland). Warmhearted but hopelessly ragged cheapie claims to be based on a true story, but even UFO buffs disbelieve that bit of regional folklore, and inspiration was E.T. all the way. The alien is portrayed by a little boy with a very real genetic disorder that gave him a gnomelike appearance.

1985 (PG) 90m/C Jack Elam, Peter Brown, Carol Bagdasarian, Dottie West, George “Spanky” McFarland; D: Jim McCullough. VHS, Beta NWV, VTR, HHE

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - A