Legacy Movie Review
The print was not a good one. At first, the movie seemed slow when it wasn't offensive and offensive when it wasn't slow. Yet gradually, this study of the crack-up of a frustrated woman of 40 proved to be a moving and affecting experience. Legacy was all the more remarkable in that it was virtually a four-person operation, made on an $18,000 budget and filmed in eight days. Not only did Karen Arthur and company finish the project with flair, they even reported that filmmaking under such severe limitations was altogether worthwhile and that other would-be filmmakers should go and do likewise. After making Legacy, Arthur went on to work fairly steadily, directing movies for television.
1975 90m/C Joan Hotchkis, Sean Allan, George McDaniel, Dixie Lee; D: Karen Arthur; W: Joan Hotchkis; C: John Bailey; M: John Kellaway. VHS