Producer - movies, reviews, and rewards.
Aaron Copland (1977)
Actor's Face as a Canvas (1973)
Advertising the Small Business (1981)
After the Sunset Again (1974)
Ages 4 and 5 (1970)
Alf Landon at 90 (1978)
All Is But a Beginning (1972)
American Folklife Company (1971)
Andragogy (1972)
Archery Techniques (1971)
Astronomy (1973)
Athletic Trainer (1972)
Back at the Ranch (1988)
Basketball Fundamentals (1972)
Beyond Words (1974)
The Black Hills: Who Owns the Land (1989)
Black Literature (1971)
Blacks and the Movies (1977)
Booth and Bly: Poets (1978)
CHD and You (1976)
Classroom Management Techniques (1978)
Classroom Teaching Models (1979)
Cognitive Learning Styles (19??)
Comments on Education (1975)
A Conversation with Eudora Welty (1973)
Conversation with Wright Morris (1980)
Corn: Planning to Harvest (1981)
Couples Communication Skills (1975)
Covering the Police Beat: The Arrest and Arraignment of Vicki Smith (1980)
Dialects (1972)
The Ear (1976)
Edmund Muskie (1982)
E.F. Schumacher: Economist (1977)
Electrical Safety in the Medical Environment (1983)
Eli Wallach, Actor (1971)
Emotions in Small Groups (1970)
Endocrine Gland Function (1975)
Energy and Architecture (1981)
Engle and Poetry (1971)
Engraver William Hogarth (1975)
Ethics in Advertising (1970)
Excellence in Higher Education (1989)
Facing Death (1980)
Farmsteads: The Dream vs. the Reality (1980)
FDR and the New Deal (1972)
The Franchising Explosion (1989)
Fred Friendly: Journalist (1977)
Geothermal Energy (1973)
The Gifted Child (1971)
Golf Fundamentals (1973)
The Great Plains Experience (1975)
Hearing Screening (1979)
The Heart (1981)
Hidden People: The State Asylum (1982)
Hormones in Reproductive Behavior (1978)
How Dare They Call It Dirt? (1993)
Interpersonal Influence and the Small Group (1971)
Japan 2000 (1988)
The Japanese (1988)
June Bungar: As Death Approaches (1981)
Keith County Journal (1986)
Land of Their Own: Face of Courage (1962)
Leatherstocking Tales 1 & 2 (19??)
Legacies of the Depression on the Great Plains (1978)
Legacies of World War II on the Great Plains (1980)
Management by Objectives (1973)
Management Careers in Insurance (1978)
Management: The Small Businessman (1976)
Manpower Management (1969)
Marketing a New Product: Idea to Reality (1978)
Maya Angelou (1982)
Michener (1974)
Modern Dance and Mime (1970)
Musical Sound (1976)
Nathaniel Branden: The Psychology of Self-Esteem (1972)
Nebraska for the People (1974)
Neihardt on Creative Writing (1968)
New Directions: Career Decision-Making for Adults (1991)
Non-Verbal Communication (1972)
Nuclear Energy (1976)
Omaha Tribe: The Land, People, Family (1979)
Othello: A Stage Production (1984)
Page to Stage (1987)
Past, Present, Future: Mari Sandoz (1971)
Physics of the Violin and Bow (1977)
Piaget: Object Permanence (1981)
Piagetian Theory (1971)
Plains Images: The Photography of Wright Morris (1980)
Planning a New Business (1978)
Ponderings (1975)
POW: Atlanta Revisited (1977)
Prairie: Our Natural Heritage (1983)
The President and the Press (1971)
Ravi Shankar (1969)
Religious Beliefs in Health Care: A Matter of Faith (1990)
The Rococo Period (1973)
The Role of the Journalist in Israel (1974)
The Role of the Political Cartoonist (1971)
Rudyard Norton: Actor (1984)
Sandhills Album (1981)
Saul Alinsky: Leader of Social Reform (1972)
Secondary Classroom Management Techniques (1983)
Sexual Assault (1979)
Sexuality and Aging (1986)
She Shall Be Called Woman (1976)
Short Story: Katherine Anne Porter (1968)
Simulation and Gaming (1972)
Song of the Plains: The Story of Mari Sandoz (1985)
Sound and Its Properties (1976)
Sri Lanka: Dance and Music (1977)
The State vs. Vicki Smith (1978)
Stepfamilies: A Coming Together (1984)
Stepfamily Realities (1984)
The Stress Cycle (1980)
Teaching in the Rural Society (1986)
Teenage Suicide (1986)
Thermal Engines (1975)
The Thoratic Cavity (1981)
The Trained Ear (1975)
The Treaty of 1868 Series (1987)
Victims of Sexual Assault (1981)
Voice of the Plains: John G. Neihardt (1987)
Weather (1976)
Willa Cather Remembered (1975)
Willa Cather: The Writer and the Word (1982)
Wind Energy (1976)
Women in Business (1977)
Women's Work (1991)
Wright Morris/Repossession (1976)
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