- Cold Comfort Farm (1994)
- Danger UXB (1981)
- Edward and Mrs. Simpson (1980)
- Glory Enough for All: The Discovery of Insulin (1992)
- The B.F.G. (Big Friendly Giant) (1990)
- The Biggest Jewish City in the World (1976)
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- My Friend Walter (1993)
- A Chip of Glass Ruby, by Nadine Gordimer (1988)
- Reilly: Ace of Spies (1987)
- Saigon: Year of the Cat (1987)
- Young Charlie Chaplin (1988)
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- The Final Solution: Auschwitz (1974)
- The First Casualty (1974)
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- Hitler's Germany (1974)
- Hollywood: A Celebration of the American Silent Film (1988)
- How to Make a Washing-Up Bowl (1983)
- In a World of Their Own (1974)
- An Invention Called Childhood (1973)
- Karl Marx: The Spectre of Marxism (1985)
- Kontakion: A Song of Praise (1973)
- La France Telle Qu'Elle Est (1977)
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- One Step Ahead (1984)
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- Palestine: Abdication (1978)
- Palestine: Promises (1978)
- Palestine: Rebellion (1978)
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- Paris Hier (1977)
- Parisian Sights and Shops (1985)
- Partner Video Sequences (1985)
- A Place in Europe (1975)
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- Possessions (1986)
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- Road to Wigan Pier (1973)
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- School for Playing (1975)
- Schubert, the Piano Trio, and Frankl, Pauk and Kirshbaum (1975)
- Secretary to Hitler (1974)
- Seeing and Doing--Music (1986)
- Shakespeare and His Theatre (1977)
- The Shrinking of Treehorn (1984)
- Song and Dance (1984)
- South America Series (1979)
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- Stop Press (1983)
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- Villa-Lobos, the Guitar, and Julian Byzantine (1975)
- Vivaldi, the Flute, and James Galway (1975)
- Warming Warning (1988)
- What About the Workers? (1978)
- Witches, New Fashion--Old Religion (1972)
- Women and Depression (1988)
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- World at War, Vol. 1 (1974)
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- World at War, Vol. 22 (1974)
- World at War, Vol. 23 (1974)
- World at War, Vol. 24 (1974)
- World at War, Vol. 25 (1974)
- World at War, Vol. 26 (1974)
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