- Acne: Why Me? I Don't Eat Chocolates (1976)
- Aging: The Search for Eternal Youth (198?)
- Bellissima (1951)
- Air Pollution: Sweetening the Air (198?)
- Alcoholism: I Was Going to School Drunk (198?)
- Approaches to Organizational Behavior Modification (OBM) (1978)
- Archology: City in the Image of Man (198?)
- The Armaments: War Game (198?)
- At Dawn, Overcoming All Difficulties (198?)
- Autumn Across America (198?)
- The Biochemedical Revolution (1976)
- Biofeedback: Listening to Your Head (198?)
- The Hit Man (1960)
- Bloody Schemes (198?)
- The Brain: Creating a Mental Elite (198?)
- A Bright Future. . .For Some (198?)
- Building More Effective Teams: The Organization Development (O.D.) Approach (1978)
- The Lady Without Camelias (1953)
- Business: Brother, Can You Spare $1,000,000,000? (198?)
- Cancer: The Wayward Cell (1976)
- Changing Organizations: Designing for People and Purpose (1978)
- Cherokee (1976)
- Children's Gardens (198?)
- Notes for an African Orestes (1970)
- Cimarrones (1982)
- Cities: Living in a Machine (198?)
- Civilized Tribes (1976)
- The Coming of Darkness (198?)
- Communications: The Wired World (198?)
- Company Limited (197?)
- The Complete Cardin: Morality Plus Design Equals Elegance (198?)
- Computers: Challenging Man's Supremacy (1976)
- Cones, Stones, and Shells (198?)
- Consumerism in Medicine (1976)
- Consumerism: Let the Seller Beware (1975)
- Container Gardens (198?)
- Coping with Technology (1977)
- Crime (198?)
- Criminology: Lead Us Not into Temptation (198?)
- A Dali for a Dollar (1974)
- Depression and Suicide (1976)
- Doing Business (1981)
- Dried Flowers (198?)
- Earth: No Vacancy (198?)
- Ecology: The Silent Bomb (198?)
- Energy: Towards the Age of Abundance (1975)
- Evolution by DNA: Changing the Blueprint of Life (198?)
- The Family: Lifestyles of the Future (1976)
- Fat-Free Society: The Girth Control Controversy (198?)
- A Flickering Light in the Darkness (198?)
- Food: Surviving the Chemical Feast (1975)
- Fusion: The Electric and Infinite Future (198?)
- Genetics: Man the Creator (1970)
- Geopolitics: The Shape of Things to Come (198?)
- The Green Thumb Series (198?)
- Habitat 2000: Human Scale Cities (198?)
- Hard Drugs: It's Not the Going Up that Hurts; It's the Coming Down (1976)
- History Book, Vol. 1: A Flickering Light in the Darkness (1974)
- History Book, Vol. 2: Dawn, Overcoming All Difficulties (1974)
- History Book, Vol. 3: A Bright Future. . .for Some (1974)
- History Book, Vol. 4: Bloody Schemes (1974)
- History Book, Vol. 5: Triumphant Symphony (1974)
- History Book, Vol. 6: Makeshift Solutions (1974)
- History Book, Vol. 7: The Coming of Darkness (1974)
- History Book, Vol. 8: The Night Is Sinister (1974)
- History Book, Vol. 9: A New Dawn (1974)
- Homosexuality and Lesbianism: Gay or Straight--Is There a Choice? (1976)
- How the West Was Lost (1976)
- The Human Potential Movement (198?)
- Human Resources and Organizational Behavior (1978)
- I'm OK, You're OK: Can Transactional Analysis Free the Child in Us? (198?)
- Indian Country? (1976)
- It's a Rock and Roll World (198?)
- The Jamestown Story (1977)
- Journey into Summer (198?)
- La Notte Brava (1959)
- Leaf Prints (198?)
- Learn to Live with Stress (1976)
- Lifelines: A Career Profile Study (1977)
- Longevity: To Live to Be 140 (198?)
- Looking at Birds (198?)
- Makeshift Solutions (198?)
- Mass Transit: Up, Up, and Away! (198?)
- Media: Massaging the Mind (198?)
- Medical Careers: It's Not All "Dr. Kildare" (1976)
- Medicine: Living To Be 100 (198?)
- Meditation, Yoga, T'ai Chi, and Other Spiritual Trips (198?)
- Mega-Buildings: Giants Cast Long Shadows (198?)
- Mental Health: New Frontiers of Sanity (198?)
- Mobility: Life as a Nomad (198?)
- Motivation: It's Not Just the Money (1977)
- Mounting Weeds and Seeds (198?)
- The Native Americans (1981)
- Naturecraft Series (1986)
- Navajo, Race for Prosperity (1976)
- A New Dawn (198?)
- New Leadership Styles (1978)
- The Night Is Sinister (198?)
- North with the Spring (198?)
- Nutrition: What's in It for Me? (1976)
- On the Trail: An Introduction to Trail Walking (198?)
- Organic Farming: Can It Feed the Multitudes? (198?)
- Outdoors for Everyone Series (198?)
- Penology: The Keeper of the Keys (198?)
- The Physicists: Playing Dice with the Future (1976)
- Physicists: Playing Dice with the Universe (198?)
- Pompeii, A.D. 79 (198?)
- Potlatch People (1976)
- Poverty: Closing the Gap (1976)
- Power and Conflict in the Organization (1977)
- Primal Therapy (1976)
- Privacy: Can You Buy It? (198?)
- Pueblo Renaissance (1976)
- Ragged Revolution (198?)
- Review of the Seventies (198?)
- Review of the Sixties (198?)
- Robotics: Isaac Asimov's Artificial Man (198?)
- Rocks to Take Home (198?)
- Romance, Sex, and Marriage: All the Guys Ever Want Is S.E.X. (1976)
- The Sexes: Breaking the Barriers (1976)
- The Six Nations (1976)
- Smoking: Games Smokers Play (198?)
- Sociobiology: Doing What Comes Naturally (1976)
- Solar Energy: To Capture the Power of Sun and Tide (1975)
- Sound/Noise: Towards a Quieter Environment (198?)
- Superconductors (1975)
- Technology: Catastrophe or Commitment? (198?)
- They Promised to Take Our Land (1976)
- Think Tanks: Prophets of the Future (198?)
- A Three-Letter Word for Love (198?)
- To Alter Human Behavior. . .Without Mind Control (1976)
- To Defeat the Doomsday Doctrine: The World Isn't Running Out of Everything Quite Yet (1984)
- To Discover a New Psychic Force (198?)
- To Discover Our Body's Time Clock: Anticipate the Rhythm of Your Ecstasy and Blues (198?)
- To Humanize Our Police (198?)
- To Humanize the Assembly Line (198?)
- To Make Man Immune from Disease (198?)
- To Make Man into Superman (198?)
- To Predict and Control Earthquakes (198?)
- To Save the Amazon's Green Hell (198?)
- To Solve the E.S.P. Mystery (198?)
- Trail of Broken Treaties (1976)
- Transactional Analysis (1978)
- Triumphant Symphony (198?)
- Understanding Behavior in Organizations (1977)
- The Valentine Lane Family Practice (198?)
- Violence: Will It Ever End? (198?)
- Wandering Through Winter (198?)
- Waste: Recycling the World (198?)
- Water: The Effluent Society (198?)
- Weather: Who Votes For Rain? (198?)
- Women in the Corporation (1977)
- Women: The Hand That Cradles the Rock (198?)
- Work: Coping with the Twenty-Hour Week (198?)
- World of the Future (198?)
- A Yen for Harmony (1977)
- Youth: The Search for Relevance (198?)
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