Igor & the Lunatics Movie Review 1985

Information and Film Reviews for Igor & the Lunatics the Movie

Staff rating

Visitor rating
4.0 from 0 reviews

Tasteless tale of a cannibal cult leader released from prison who picks up where he left off.


Artisan Entertainment, 2700 Colorado Ave., Ste. 200, Santa Monica, CA 90404, Phone: (310)449-9200, Fax: (310)255-3730, URL: http://www.artisanent.com, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 79 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Cannibalism, Revenge
Joseph Eero, Joe Niola, T.J. Michaels
Billy Parolini
Troma Team

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