Anna Christie Movie Review 1930

Information and Film Reviews for Anna Christie the Movie

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Garbo is the ex-prostitute who finds love with sailor Bickford. Bickford is unaware of his lover's tarnished past and she does her best to keep it that way. Garbo's first sound effort was advertised with the slogan "Garbo Talks." Adapted from the classic Eugene O'Neill play, the film is a slow but rewarding romantic drama.


MGM Home Entertainment, 2500 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90404-6061, Phone: (310)449-3000, Fax: (310)449-3100, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS
Running time 90 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Romantic Comedy, Oldest Profession, Wrong Side of the Tracks, Adapted from a Play, Sail Away, Plays to Film: Eugene O'Neill
Greta Garbo, Marie Dressler, Charles Bickford, George F. Marion
William H. Daniels
Clarence Brown

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