Strangers on a Train Movie Review 1951

Information and Film Reviews for Strangers on a Train the Movie

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Long before there was "Throw Momma from the Train," there was this Hitchcock super-thriller about two passengers who accidentally meet and plan to "trade" murders. Amoral Walker wants the exchange and the money he'll inherit by his father's death; Granger would love to end his stifling marriage and wed Roman, a senator's daughter, but finds the idea ultimately sickening. What happens is pure Hitchcock. Screenplay co-written by murder-mystery great Chandler. Patricia Hitchcock, the director's only child, plays Roman's sister. The concluding "carousel" scene is a masterpiece. From the novel by Patricia Highsmith.


Mike LeBell's Video, 75 Freemont Pl., Los Angeles, CA 90005, Phone: (213)938-3333, Fax: (213)938-3334, Email:

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 101 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Mystery & Suspense, Hit Men/Women, Trains, Books to Film: Patricia Highsmith, Amusement Parks, Great Death Scenes, Sanity Check, 4 Bones
Raymond Chandler
Farley Granger, Robert Walker, Ruth Roman, Leo G. Carroll, Patricia Hitchcock, Marion Lorne
Robert Burks
Alfred Hitchcock
Dimitri Tiomkin
Warner Bros.

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