The Thing Movie Review 1951

Information and Film Reviews for The Thing the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

One of the best of the Cold War allegories and a potent lesson to those who won't eat their vegetables. Sci fi classic about an alien craft and creature (Arness in monster drag), discovered by an Arctic research team. The critter is accidentally thawed and then wreaks havoc, sucking the blood from sled dog and scientist alike. It's a giant seed-dispersing vegetable run amuck, unaffected by missing body parts, bullets, or cold. In other words, Big Trouble. Excellent direction, assisted substantially by producer Hawks, and supported by strong performances. Available colorized; remade in 1982. Loosely based on "Who Goes There?" by John Campbell.


Movies Unlimited, 3015 Darnell Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19154, Phone: (215)637-4444, Toll-free: 800-668-4344, Fax: (215)637-2350, Email:, URL:

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 87 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Sci Fi, Alien Beings--Vicious, Cold Spots, War Between the Sexes, Aliens Are People, Too
Charles Lederer, Ben Hecht
James Arness, Kenneth Tobey, Margaret Sheridan, Dewey Martin, Robert Cornthwaite, Douglas Spencer, James L. Young, Robert Nichols, William (Bill) Self, Eduard Franz, Sally Creighton, John Dierkes, George Fenneman
Russell Harlan
Christian Nyby, Howard Hawks
Dimitri Tiomkin
Howard Hawks, RKO


Natl. Film Reg. 2001.

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