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Intensely up-tempo, hyped-up L.A. dancing form called "clowning" or "krumping" is vividly chronicled in this David LaChappelle documentary. Born from the 1992 riots as a peaceful means of expression by poverty-stricken inner-city dwellers, krumping was the invention of Tom Johnson, or Tommy the Clown, a reformed drug dealer who started the movement by dressing as a clown and, later, reenacting the Rodney King footage. Payoff comes in the form of a grand krumping contest held annually at the Great Western Forum.
Lions Gate Entertainment, 2700 Colorado Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90404, Phone: (310)449-9200, Fax: (310)255-3870, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.
Available on DVD
Running time 85 minutes.
Originally from United States.
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