3 Women Movie Review 1977

Information and Film Reviews for 3 Women the Movie

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Altman creates a surreal, dreamlike, sometimes creepy tale of women's relationships with each other. Shy reserved Pinky (Spacek) gets a job in a senior care center where she meets Millie (Duvall), a therpist who doesn't seem to acknowledge her invisibility. She immediately idolizes and moves in with Millie, following in Millie's wannabe modern woman footsteps, and slowly begins to take over her life. The two are friends with Willie (Rule), the morose, pregnant artist wife of their landlord who paints frightening figures in the bottom of the building's pool. Admittedly influenced by Ingmar Bergman, Altman deftly handles tragedy, questions of identity, and our dreams' relationship to our waking lives.


Criterion Collection, 210 E. 52nd St., 578 Broadway, New York, NY 10022, Phone: (212)212756-8822, Toll-free: 800-446-2001, URL: http://www.criterionco.com, Remarks: Does not sell directly to consumers

Available on DVD
Running time 124 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Mystery & Suspense, Women, Pregnant Pauses, Coma
Robert Altman, Patricia Resnick
Shelley Duvall, Sissy Spacek, Janice Rule, Robert Fortier, Ruth Nelson, John Cromwell, Sierra Pecheur, Craig Richard Nelson, Maysie Hoy, Dennis Christopher
Charles Rosher
Robert Altman

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