Schultze Gets the Blues Movie Review 2003

Information and Film Reviews for Schultze Gets the Blues the Movie

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Bittersweet, sentimental comedy finds hefty bachelor salt miner Schultze (Krause) pushed into early retirement and wondering what he's going to do besides play the accordion at his local polka club. One night, Schultze's world changes when he happens to catch a zydeco song on the radio. Amazed at how different an accordion can sound, he sets his familiar polkas to a zydeco beat. Schulze's friends are equally amazed and decide to take up a collection and send him to compete in a music festival in their sister city of Moulton, Texas. Adventure is just the liberating journey that shy Schultze needs. German with subtitles.


Paramount Home Video, 5555 Melrose Ave., 5555 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038, Phone: (323)956-5000, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on DVD
Running time 114 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Comedy-Drama, Germany, Music--Jazz
Michael Schorr
Horst Krause, Harald Warmbrunn, Karl-Fred Muller, Schubert, Wolfgang Boos, Rosemarie Deibel, Wilhelmine Horschig, Anne V. Angelle, Ursula Schucht, Alozia St. Julien
Axel Schneppat
Michael Schorr
Thomas Wittenbecher
Christian Lerch, Tina Hillmann, Constanze Hagedorn, Natascha E. Tagwerk
Jens Korner, Thomas Riedel, Oliver Niemeier, Filmcombinat

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