To End All Wars Movie Review 2001

Information and Film Reviews for To End All Wars the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Based on Ernest Gordon's autobiographical 1962 novel "Through the Valley of the Kwai," bares the horrors that a group of WWII Allied soldiers suffered at the hands of their Japanese captors who torture the POWs during the erecting of the so-called "Railway of Death" in the nasty Burmese jungle. Related to events depicted in "The Bridge of the River Kwai" but not nearly so well imitated.


Fox Home Entertainment, PO Box 900, Beverly Hills, CA 90213, Phone: (310)369-3900, Toll-free: 888-223-4FOX, Fax: (310)369-5811, URL:, Remarks: Also known as Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 117 minutes.

Cast and Crew

True Stories, Historical Drama, POW/MIA, World War II, Military: Army, Military: Foreign
Robert Carlyle, Kiefer Sutherland, Ciaran McMenamin, Mark Strong, Masayuki Yui, James Cosmo, John Gregg, Pip Torrens, Sakae Kimura, Shu Nakajima, Yugo Saso, Greg Ellis, Adam Sinclair, Winton Nicholson, James McCarthy, Brendan Cowell, Duff Armour, Sergio Jones, Christopher White, Jeremy Pippin, Robert Jobe
Greg Gardiner
John Cameron, Maire Brennan
Ernest Gordon, Takashi Nagase, Tim Silano, Patrick Lumb, Tamara More, Rina Ramon, Paul Sylbert

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