Children of the Century Movie Review 1999

Information and Film Reviews for Children of the Century the Movie

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Antenuated costumer depicting the volatile affair between the Baroness Dudevant, soon to be known as writer George Sand (Binoche), and the younger (and dissolute) poet, Alfred de Musset (Magimel). To escape his wealthy family's disapproval, the lovers travel to Venice where Alfred's continued dissipation leads to illness and the services of Dr. Pagello (Dionisi), with whom a fed-up Sands soon begins a romance. Musset returns to Paris and when Sands follow later, the duo try to rekindle their romantic ardor. Musset's fictionized version of their affair was entitled "Confessions of a Child of the Century." French with subtitles.


Koch Entertainment Distribution, 22 Harbor Park Dr., Port Washington, NY 11080, Remarks: Includes Koch Vision and Koch Lorber Films

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 137 minutes.
Originally from French.

Cast and Crew

Biopics: Writers, Period Piece: 19th Century, Paris, Venice, Romantic Drama, Romantic Triangles, Doctors & Nurses
Diane Kurys, Murray Head, Francois Olivier Rousseau
Juliette Binoche, Benoit Magimel, Stefano Dionisi, Robin Renucci, Karin Viard, Isabelle Carre, Denis Podalydes
Vilko Filac
Diane Kurys
Luis Bacalov

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