Woman of Straw Movie Review 1964

Information and Film Reviews for Woman of Straw the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Connery plays off his Bond role with a villainous twist. He's Anthony Richmond, the nephew of dying tycoon Charles Richmond (Richardson), who won't write him into the will. Uncle is very fond of his nurse (Lollobrigida), who in turn falls in love with Anthony. He convinces her to marry the old coot and get him into the will, but Charles dies, leaving her a murder suspect. Compelling thriller does well, despite plot holes, on the strength of performances by Richardson and Connery, portraying members of a family no one would want to see at a reunion.


Movies Unlimited, 3015 Darnell Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19154, Phone: (215)637-4444, Toll-free: 800-668-4344, Fax: (215)637-2350, Email: movies@moviesunlimited.com, URL: http://www.moviesunlimited.com

Available on VHS
Running time 115 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Aunts & Uncles, Nieces & Nephews, Inheritance, Doctors & Nurses
Stanley Mann, Michael Relph
Sean Connery, Gina Lollobrigida, Ralph Richardson, Alexander Knox, Johnny Sekka, Peter Madden, George Curzon, Noel Howlett, Andre Morell, Douglas Wilmer
Otto Heller
Basil Dearden

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