Dead Creatures Movie Review 2001

Information and Film Reviews for Dead Creatures the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

A close-knit group of British twentysomething women travels around the dingy areas outside of London satiating their need for human flesh with saran-wrapped body parts they carry in their luggage. The girls are all suffering from a kind of zombie-disease that is inflicted by a bite and eventually results in the victim's literal decomposition. The dreary tone of the film echoes that of lower-class British TV dramas: heavy grainy images, squalid locations with minimal lighting and makeup. Parkinson directs this low-key horror drama without the usual female nudity prevalent in today's micro-budgeted horror films, but the lack of a thriller element or traditional genre structure works against it. Without anywhere to go with the story, this one peters out around the halfway mark. The gore effects, though used minimally, are repugnant and truly nauseating.


MTI Home Video, 14216 SW 136th St., Miami, FL 33186, Phone: (305)255-8684, Fax: (305)233-6943, Email:, URL:

Available on DVD
Running time 89 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Andrew Parkinson
Beverly Wilson, Antonia Beamish, Brendan Gregory
Jack Shepherd
Andrew Parkinson
Andrew Parkinson

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