Shallow Hal Movie Review 2001

Information and Film Reviews for Shallow Hal the Movie

Staff rating

Visitor rating
4.0 4.0 from 1 reviews

Dumpy loser Hal (Black), along with buddy Mauricio (Alexander), will only go after supermodel-perfect women (with predictable results), until self-help guru Tony Robbins hypnotizes him into seeing the inner beauty of the women he encounters. This leads him to meet and pursue Rosemary (Paltrow), who he sees as the physical ideal, but the rest of the world knows to be 300 pounds. The Farrellys try to have it both ways, making fat jokes while projecting the message that appearance shouldn't matter. They're only moderately and intermittently successful. Paltrow does a good job of showing Rosemary's wariness and self-acceptance, while Black at times seems to be trying a little too hard.


Fox Home Entertainment, PO Box 900, Beverly Hills, CA 90213, Phone: (310)369-3900, Toll-free: 888-223-4FOX, Fax: (310)369-5811, URL:, Remarks: Also known as Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 114 minutes.
Originally from United States.

Cast and Crew

Romantic Comedy, Not-So-True Identity, Physical Problems, Edibles, You are Getting Sleepy!
Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly, Sean Moynihan
Jack Black, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jason Alexander, Joe (Johnny) Viterelli, Bruce McGill, Susan Ward, Rene Kirby, Tony Robbins, Zen Gesner, Brooke Burns, Rob Moran, Nan Martin
Russell Carpenter
Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly
Jonathan Earl Stein, Tom Wolfe, Manish Raval, Christopher Greenbury, Arlan Jay Vetter, Pamela Ball Withers, Sidney J. Bartholomew
Bradley Thomas, Charles B. Wessler, Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly, Conundrum Entertainment, 20th Century-Fox

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