No Man's Land Movie Review 2001

Information and Film Reviews for No Man's Land the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Let's talk about the futility and stupidity of war. In Bosnia in 1993, Croatian soldier Ciki (Branko Djuric) and Serbian Nino (Rene Bitorajac) wind up sharing the same trench between enemy lines, which is booby-trapped by a land mine. Laying on the mine is injured Croat Cera (Filip Sovagovic) and if he moves, they all die. Reluctantly brought into the already tense situation is ineffectual U.N. officer Col. Soft (Callow) and then journalist Jane (Cartlidge) also shows up. Bosnian with subtitles.


MGM Home Entertainment, 2500 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90404-6061, Phone: (310)449-3000, Fax: (310)449-3100, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 98 minutes.
Originally from Bosnian, French, Italian, Belgian, British.

Cast and Crew

Bosnia, War, General, Military: Foreign, Front Page, Anti-War War Movies
Danis Tanovic
Branko Djuric, Rene Bitorajac, Filip Sovagovic, Georges Siatidis, Serge-Henri Valcke, Simon Callow, Katrin Cartlidge
Walther Vanden Ende
Danis Tanovic
Danis Tanovic
Henri Morelle, Francesca Calvelli, Zvenka Makuc, Dusko Milavec
Cedomir Kolar, Frederique Dumas, Marc Baschet, Noe Productions, Casablanca Productions, Fabrica Cinema, Counihan Villiers Productions, Studio Maj, United Artists


Oscars 2001: Foreign Film; Cannes 2001: Screenplay; L.A. Film Critics 2001: Foreign Film.

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