Adventures of Justine Movie Review 2000

Information and Film Reviews for Adventures of Justine the Movie

Visitor rating
4.0 from 0 reviews

Compilation of a late-night cable series is a soft-core "Perils of Pauline" with a bit of light bondage. Justine (Boone) is a student who accompanies Professor Robson (DiPri) on a series of escapades involving Egyptian tombs, satanists, Nazis, etc. Given the levels of explicitness that have become common in the genre, this is tepid stuff. The cast is thespianically challenged, but attractive and comfortable with nudity. Image is moderately grainy with flatteringly soft focus, but it improves--and the grain is radically lessened--in the sex scenes which occur about every 30 minutes.


New Concorde, 11600 San Vincente Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90049, Phone: (310)820-6733, Fax: (310)207-6816, URL:

Available on DVD
Running time 638 minutes.

Cast and Crew

T. C. McKelvey, Noel Harrison, Edward Laraby, Thomas Roberdeau
Daneen Boone, Kimberly Rowe, Timothy DiPri, Jennifer Behr, Bo Zena, Alex Veadov
Amit Bhattacharya, Nick Hutak, Brad Rushing
L.L. Shapira, Kevin Alber, David Cove
Nigel Holton, Kevin Kiner, Tim Wynn

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