The Legend of Rita Movie Review 1999

Information and Film Reviews for The Legend of Rita the Movie

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Rita (Beglau) is part of a West German left-wing terrorist group in the 1970s. She's caught attempting to enter East Germany by Stasi officer Erwin Hull (Wuttke), who lets her go but slyly offers to come to her aid when needed. After some trouble, Rita agrees to Hull's offer to assume a new identity and live a worker's life in East Germany. Then Rita discovers that her political ideals are at odds with ordinary, everyday life and people disenchanted by socialism. But she faces a greater change when the Berlin Wall comes down and Rita's terrorist past is exposed. German with subtitles.


Kino International, 333 W. 39th St., Ste. 503, New York, NY 10018, Phone: (212)629-6880, Toll-free: 800-562-3330, Fax: (212)714-0871, Email:, URL:

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 101 minutes.
Originally from German.

Cast and Crew

Terrorism, Berlin, Period Piece: 1970s, Period Piece: 1980s, Not-So-True Identity
Volker Schlondorff, Wolfgang Kohlhaase
Bibiana Beglau, Martin Wuttke, Nadja Uhl, Harald Schrott, Alexander Beyer, Jenny Schily
Andreas Hofer
Volker Schlondorff
Manfred Arbter, Detlev Fichtner, Peter Przygodda, Susanne Hopf, Anne-Gret Oehme
Arthur Hofer, Emmo Lempert, Babelsberg Film Produktion, Kino International

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