Bellyfruit Movie Review 1999

Information and Film Reviews for Bellyfruit the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Film, which refers to pregnancy, was inspired by the real-life stories of teen mothers in L.A. 14-year-old Shanika is living in a home for troubled girls when she's taken in by the charms of Damon, equally young Christina witnesses her mother (who had Christina when she was a teen) drug and party and decides to follow her example, while 16-year-old Aracely becomes pregnant by her boyfriend Oscar. Although he stands by her, Aracely's traditional Latin father kicks her out of the house. And when they have their babies, the teens lives just get more confused.


Vanguard International Cinema, Inc., Newport Plaza, 1901 Newport Blvd., Ste. 225, Costa Mesa, CA 92627-2289, Phone: (949)258-2000, Toll-free: 800-218-7888, Fax: (949)258-2010, URL:

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 95 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Pregnant Pauses, Teen Angst, L.A.
Kerri Green, Maria Bernhard, Suzannah Blinkoff, Janet Borrus
Kelly Vint, Tamara La Seon Bass, Tonatzin Mondragon, T.E. Russell, Michael Pena, Bonnie Dickenson, Kimberly Scott, James Dumant
Peter Calvin
Kerri Green

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