Disney's The Kid Movie Review 2000

Information and Film Reviews for Disney's The Kid the Movie

Staff rating

Visitor rating
3.0 4.0 from 2 reviews

Cynical 40-year-old Willis comes face-to-face with his 8-year-old self (Breslin), who wants to know how he grew up to become such a jerk. It's Disney, so there are Important Lessons to be learned, and dramatic changes in behavior to be witnessed, but Breslin, Willis, and Tomlin as his assistant, make the schmaltz bearable with excellent performances. Wells' sophisticated, funny script helps smooth out Turtletaub's heavy-handed direction.


Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 500 S. Buena Vista St., Burbank, CA 91521-1120, Toll-free: 800-723-4763, URL: http://www.bvhe.com

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 104 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Childhood Visions, Rescue Missions Involving Time Travel, Time Warped, Airborne, L.A., Shrinks
Audrey Wells
Bruce Willis, Emily Mortimer, Jean Smart, Spencer Breslin, Chi McBride, Lily Tomlin, Dana Ivey, Daniel von Bargen, Nicholas Chinlund
Peter Menzies
Jon Turteltaub
Jerry Goldsmith
Buena Vista

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