Boys Don't Cry Movie Review 1999

Information and Film Reviews for Boys Don't Cry the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 4.0 from 1 reviews

Falls under the truth is stranger than fiction category. Brandon Teena (heavily awarded Swank) moves from Lincoln, Nebraska, to the small town of Falls City hoping to start over and keep his past a secret. Brandon gets a girlfriend, Lana (Sevigny), and runs afoul of the reckless John (Sarsgaard). And then Brandon's secret is discovered--he is actually a girl and the gender revelation leads to tragic consequences. Based on a true story, which is also the subject of the documentary, "The Brandon Teena Story." Pierce's version, not unexpectedly, was subjected to the charges of dramatic license, but the story is still forceful.


Fox Home Entertainment, PO Box 900, Beverly Hills, CA 90213, Phone: (310)369-3900, Toll-free: 888-223-4FOX, Fax: (310)369-5811, URL:, Remarks: Also known as Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 116 minutes.

Cast and Crew

True Crime, Not-So-True Identity, Rape
Kimberly Peirce, Andy Bienen
Hilary Swank, Chloe Sevigny, Peter Sarsgaard, Brendan Sexton, Alison Folland, Alicia (Lecy) Goranson, Matt McGrath, Rob Campbell, Jeanetta Arnette
Jim Denault
Kimberly Peirce
Nathan Larsen
John Hart, Christine Vachon, John Sloss, Fox Searchlight


Oscars 1999: Actress (Swank); Golden Globes 2000: Actress--Drama (Swank); Ind. Spirit 2000: Actress (Swank), Support. Actress (Sevigny); L.A. Film Critics 1999: Actress (Swank), Support. Actress (Sevigny); N.Y. Film Critics 1999: Actress (Swank); Natl. Soc. Film Critics 1999: Support. Actress (Sevigny); Broadcast Film Critics 1999: Actress (Swank).

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