La Sentinelle Movie Review 1992

Information and Film Reviews for La Sentinelle the Movie

Staff rating

Visitor rating
4.0 from 0 reviews

Morose Mathias (Salinger)is traveling by train from Germany to France to attend medical school. The sinister Bleicher (Richard), who seems to be a customs official, grills Mathias but lets him go. In his hotel, Mathias finds a strange package in his luggage and discovers it contains the shrunken head of a man. He keeps his discovery a secret but tests samples of the head in the school laboratory on a quest to figure out who the man was. May sound like a thriller but it's too talky and paced too slowly to hold complete interest. French with subtitles.


Wellspring Media, A Division of Genius Products, Inc., 2230 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90904, Phone: (310)453-1222, Fax: (310)453-0074, URL:

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 139 minutes.
Originally from French.

Cast and Crew

Paris, Doctors & Nurses
Arnaud Desplechin
Emmanuel Salinger, Jean-Louis Richard, Thibault de Montalembert, Valerie Dreville, Marianne (Cuau) Denicourt, Bruno Todeschini, Jean-Luc Boutte
Caroline Champetier
Arnaud Desplechin
Marc Oliver Sommer

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