Flawless Movie Review 1999

Information and Film Reviews for Flawless the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Former New York City cop and resident tough guy Walt Koontz (De Niro) lives across the hall from nosily outrageous drag queen Rusty (Hoffman). The odd couple have a mutual animosity that's put to the test when Walt suffers a stroke and it's recommended that he take singing lessons to help him recover his ability to speak. So he makes an offer to Rusty who needs the cash. Soon they're not only tolerating each other but bonding as well. There are distracting subplots about hidden drug money and a drag queen beauty contest that take the focus off of what could have worked as a two-character study about an unlikely friendship.


MGM Home Entertainment, 2500 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90404-6061, Phone: (310)449-3000, Fax: (310)449-3100, URL: http://www.mgmhomevideo.com, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 111 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Gender Bending, New York, New York, Physical Problems
Joel Schumacher
Robert De Niro, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Barry Miller, Chris Bauer, Skipp (Robert L.) Sudduth, Wanda De Jesus, Daphne Rubin-Vega, Rory Cochrane
Declan Quinn
Joel Schumacher
Bruce Roberts
Jane Rosenthal, Tribeca Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures

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