Full Speed Movie Review 1996

Information and Film Reviews for Full Speed the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Quentin (Cervo) has published a semi-autobiographical novel about disenfranchised youth that's based on his friends from a Lyon housing project, including drug-dealing DJ, Jimmy (Rideau). Although he has a girlfriend, Julie (Bouchez), Quentin flirts with Algerian-born Samir (Bardadi) in order to learn about Samir's murdered boyfriend, so he can use the story in his writing. Julie, meanwhile, becomes involved with the charismatic Jimmy when Quentin decides to go to Paris. There are several melodramatic twists in Morel's feature debut about live-for-today youth and racial tensions. French with subtitles.


Facets Multimedia, Inc., 1517 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60614, Phone: (773)281-9075, Toll-free: 800-331-6197, Fax: (773)929-5437, Email: sales@facets.org, URL: http://www.facets.org

Available on VHS
Running time 84 minutes.
Originally from French.

Cast and Crew

Writers, Gays, France
Gael Morel, Catherine Corsini
Pascal Cervo, Stephane Rideau, Elodie Bouchez, Meziane Bardadi
Jeanne Lapoirie
Gael Morel

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