Six-String Samurai Movie Review 1998

Information and Film Reviews for Six-String Samurai the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

In 1957 the USSR bombs and assumes control of the U.S., and Las Vegas is the only safe haven of freedom. Forty years later, a rock musician/samurai is on an odyssey across the desert to replace the recently deceased Elvis as king of the neon city; challenging his quest is another guitar-slinger, Death (Gauger), and his cronies. Our hero Buddy (played by martial artist Falcon as a cross between Buddy Holly and Yojimbo) and his sidekick The Kid (McGuire) must face all the bad guys we've come to expect in a post-apocalyptic adventure. Filled with campy dialogue and well-staged Hong Kong-style action (directed by Falcon), basically all the makings of a good midnight movie, but it doesn't quite come together.


Not Yet Released

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 89 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Post-Apocalypse, Viva Las Vegas!, Road Trip, Rock Flicks, Elvisfilm
Lance Mungia, Jeffrey Falcon
Jeffrey Falcon, Justin McGuire, Stephane Gauger, John Sakisian
Kristian Bernier
Lance Mungia
Brian Tyler

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