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Primatologist Ethan Powell (Hopkins) has been in the African jungle studying gorillas a little too long, and has turned apeman, killing poachers threatening his primate friends. Since he's been returned to the U.S. and incarcerated in a Miami prison ward for for the insane, he's taken a vow of silence. Theo Caulder (Gooding) is an ambitious shrink who's sent to see if Powell is still (or ever was) a clinical whacko. Hopkins mainly gets to chew the scenery and leave Gooding wide-eyed in his wake. "Suggested" by the novel "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn.
Buena Vista Home Entertainment, 500 S. Buena Vista St., Burbank, CA 91521-1120, Toll-free: 800-723-4763, URL:
Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 123 minutes.
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