Babylon 5, Vol. 1.2: Midnight on the Firing Line/Soul Hunter Movie Review 1994

Information and Film Reviews for Babylon 5, Vol. 1.2: Midnight on the Firing Line/Soul Hunter the Movie

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In "Midnight on the Firing Line," Mollari is shocked when the Centauri colony on Ragesh 3, which his young cousin commands, is attacked and new commercial telepath Talia Winters is having difficulties with Lt. Cdt. Ivanova. An unidentified alien winds up in the station's med lab in "Soul Hunter." Turns out the creature captures the souls of the dying and Delenn is determined to kill him.


Warner Home Video, Inc., 5775 Linder Canyon Rd., Westlake Village, CA 91362, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS
Running time 89 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Science Fiction
J. Michael Straczynski
Michael O'Hare, Claudia Christian, Mira Furlan, Andrea Thompson, Jerry Doyle, Richard Biggs, W. Morgan Shepherd
Richard Compton, Jim Johnston

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