Kisses in the Dark Movie Review 1997

Information and Film Reviews for Kisses in the Dark the Movie

Staff rating

Visitor rating
4.0 from 0 reviews

Four short award-winning films. "Coriolis Effect" finds two daredevil tornado-chasers falling in love. "Solly's Diner" has a vagrant becoming a hero during a diner hold-up. "Looping" finds an egotistic Italian director deciding in the middle of shooting his big-budget Mafia musical that the material isn't worthy of him. "Joe" finds solace in his daily routine in a psych ward when an interloper disturbs his refuge.


Vanguard International Cinema, Inc., Newport Plaza, 1901 Newport Blvd., Ste. 225, Costa Mesa, CA 92627-2289, Phone: (949)258-2000, Toll-free: 800-218-7888, Fax: (949)258-2010, URL:

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 75 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Comedy Drama, Anthology, Diner, Mental Hospitals, Filmmaking
Louis Venosta, Roger Paradiso, Sasha Wolf
Jennifer Rubin, James Wilder, Dana Ashbrook, Corinne Bohrer, Katherine Wallach, Ronald Guttman, Quentin Tarantino
Larry Hankin, Louis Venosta, Roger Paradiso, Sasha Wolf

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