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As if anyone really cares whether the plot makes any sense (no) but a lot of booty is certainly kicked. Marcus Ray (Van Damme) and Tommy Hendricks (Schneider) are partners in a Hong Kong business that manufactures designer jeans. Marcus was once involved in the shady fashion "knock-off" business and still knows people in low places, where he hears about a Russian mob plot to sell bombs to terrorists. Oh yeah, seems Tommy has a little secret too--he's actually working undercover for the CIA. It's action schlock and you won't mind a bit.
Sony Pictures Home Video, Sony Pictures Plz., 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232, Phone: (310)244-7306, Fax: (310)280-2485, URL:, Remarks: Formerly Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment
Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 91 minutes.
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