A Cool, Dry Place Movie Review 1998

Information and Film Reviews for A Cool, Dry Place the Movie

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Basically a variation on "Kramer vs. Kramer." Russ Durrell (Vaughn) was a hotshot Chicago lawyer with a five-year old son, Calvin (Moat), when wife Kate (Potter) took a hike. So Russ moves to small town Kansas to make a go of single fatherhood in a slower-paced world. Eventually, he begins dating Beth (Adams) and when things start to get serious, guess who turns up and decides she wants back into her son's life? Vaughn does fine as the dad but Potter is stuck with a dopey, inarticulate character.


Fox Home Entertainment, PO Box 900, Beverly Hills, CA 90213, Phone: (310)369-3900, Toll-free: 888-223-4FOX, Fax: (310)369-5811, URL: http://www.foxmovies.com/index1.html, Remarks: Also known as Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

Available on VHS
Running time 97 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Dads, Parenthood, Dallas
Matthew McDuffie
Vince Vaughn, Monica Potter, Joey Lauren Adams, Bobby Moat, Devon Sawa
Jean Lepine
John N. Smith
Curt Sobel
Katie Jacobs, Fox 2000 Pictures

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