Video Vasari: Cynthia Carson Movie Review 1985

Information and Film Reviews for Video Vasari: Cynthia Carson the Movie

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Contains comments from artist Cynthia Carlson during the 1985 exhibition "Cynthia Carlson: The Monument Series." She discusses how she prepared for the exhibition and her reasons for choosing the Forest Lawn Cemetery as inspiration. She also provides insight on her decisions about color, medium, process, and composition, and reflects on societal views about death.


Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Education Dept., 1285 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, NY 14222, Phone: (716)882-8700, Fax: (716)882-1958, Email:, URL:

Available on VHS
Running time 14 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Art & Artists, Interviews
Education Department Albright-Knox Art Gallery

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