Junior Space Scientist: Voyage to the Moon Movie Review 1995

Information and Film Reviews for Junior Space Scientist: Voyage to the Moon the Movie

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Part of the "Junior Space Scientist" series. Provides close-up look at the moon through the eyes of the astronauts who explored it. Discusses the dark side of moon, new moon, full moon, and the history of moon exploration. Contains President Kennedy's historic speech about moon exploration and actual footage of the astronauts on the moon. Comes with teacher's guide and blackline masters.


United Learning, 1560 Sherman Ave., Ste. 100, PO Box 48718, Evanston, IL 60201, Phone: (888)892-3484, Fax: (847)328-6706, Email: info@interaccess.com, URL: http://www.unitedlearning.com, Remarks: A division of Discovery Communications

Available on VHS
Running time 9 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Science, Astronomy, Space Exploration, History--U.S.

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